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There’s No 6. Or, How Is It Going To End. Be Honest. January 31, 2015

Posted by FCM in logic, meta.
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i remember the moment i realized that global overpopulation and over male population was a self-reinforcing feedback loop.  i was (wherever) doing (whatever) and i was thinking through the problem of men sticking their dicks into women, creating more males who would only grow up to also stick their dicks into more women, and honestly you dont have to go round and round within that particular loop very many times before you realize whats happening.  twice is probably enough.  just like i did just then.  can you see the problem?  of course you can.  because its completely obvious.  isnt it?

lets start by acknowledging that there are NO 100% effective contraceptives anywhere and there never have been.  to act otherwise is only the most misogynistic gaslighting bullshit imaginable — otherwise known as “sex” as in sex-lives, having-sex, sex-uality.  intercourse removed from reproduction.  when intercourse is not now, and has never been, and likely never will be, removed from its reproductive consequences to women.  life finds a way, as jeff goldblum said in jurassic park.  not to mention the fact that many men deliberately impregnate women via mandatory intercourse and rape.  men have done this for a long time, so i really dont know where people are going with this contraceptive stuff.  its not like its going to work when we need it most — during rape, and where men are deliberately trying to create pregnancies such as within coerced/forced marriages.  theres a lot of rape and deliberate forced impregnation happening globally afterall.  a hella lot.  and why wouldnt there be, considering that rape is a self-reinforcing feedback loop (where it creates more males in a rape culture patriarchy where males rape women because males enjoy raping women and they will never stop).

so anyway.  global overpopulation and over male population (and rape) are demonstrable self-reinforcing feedback loops, meaning the “cycle” picks up speed and strength over time just by doing its thang.  and i have yet to see any feminist address this issue specifically.  and this is a rather embarrassing oversight to say the least.  because self-reinforcing feedback loops are game-changers, when feminists including radical feminists fail to acknowledge or address them, it makes it obvious that we havent a clue as to what the “game” even is, so how can anything we say or do be trusted?  “we” are in good company of course, because most people dont acknowledge these feedback loops or any feedback loops which implicate the concept of exponential change.  “humans” in general have been observed to be unable to grok this, but i would tentatively suggest that no, its actually men who cant grok the concept of exponential change.  women understand it in our bones well enough.


think of exponential change as the absence of 6.  there is no 6 and there will never be a 6 in exponential growth: it goes from 1, to 2, to 4, to EIGHT, to SIXTEEN, to THIRTY TWO.  get it?  there is no 6, as in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc etc.  no.  without exponential growth, i dont know how long it would take a fertilized egg to become a baby (1, 2 or even 10 cells at a time) but it would be a lot longer than 9 months.  get it?  im just thinking out loud here, i am not an expert in fetal cell division or mitosis.  without even trying, women navigate the context of exponential growth every fucking minute of our lives, where we live in constant dread of being forcibly impregnated by men.  the concept applies to wanted pregnancies too of course.  so yeah, every minute at all times, without exception, women live and breathe a concept that “humanity” is unable to grasp.

so now that we are all on the same page, and are thinking about exponential growth and feedback loops of global overpopulation and over male population (and rape) let me ask you this: how do you see patriarchy or male dominance over females ending?  be specific.  in your answer, make sure to address the issue(s) of global overpopulation and male overpopulation (and rape) within its proper context, which is the context of exponential change.  if you do not believe exponential change is relevant to the discussion of how patriarchy will end, explain why.  if you accept that exponential change is relevant, consider that whatever solution you come up with will likely be obsolete by the time you complete your thought, unless the solution is also built to function on an exponential level — any linear solution will be left in the dust promptly, because it literally does not exist on the same plane as the problem.  the problem is changing and growing way faster than that.

also take into consideration the issues of loss of human habitat (food, water and shelter) and global climate change related to male-caused resource extraction.  which also implicate positive (self reinforcing) feedback loops of course.

let me say at this point that i believe that radical feminists are some of the most intelligent people on earth because they are able (somehow) to sense (in the first place) and make sense of (in the second) the context in which we are all living: the context of patriarchy.  this is not an easy thing to do, and all this despite the profound and enormous erasures and obliterations, the cruel gaslighting and reversals, and mind-altering substances and situations forced upon us by men.  the fact that we have done this at all is frankly stunning.  and i have long believed and still believe that radical feminism is the most rigorous and intellectually honest discourse on the planet because it is the only one that takes into consideration the reality of half the worlds population: women.  some 3.5 billion of us by now.

because any other discourse has yet to accurately acknowledge and assess womens (and mens) reality under patriarchy, literally every other discourse on the planet is a screaming fucking farce, and nothing but sadistic mansplaining horseshit.  which is not to say that radical feminism is perfect; it has some obvious flaws which i have written about before.  and which i am writing about now: its seeming inability to adequately envision and describe *how* — just how in the hell — patriarchy is likely to ultimately end.

so i ask you this — “you” is anyone and everyone reading here.  in your own estimation, *how* is the end of patriarchy most likely to occur, considering the reality of it, meaning without wishful thinking, and building on the evidence we have about men and what they do and what they are, including the very serious problems of self-reinforcing feedback loops of 1) global overpopulation; 1.a) global over male population; 2) male-caused global climate change related to 1 and 1.a; and finally, 3) loss of human habitat related to 1 and 2?

PS.  dont feel bad if you hit a cognitive wall.  i banged my head on that wall for a couple of years before i heard anything that made one fucking bit of sense as far as how this is all going to end.  hint: it wasnt anything i have ever seen, heard or sensed from a feminist.  and i think this failure to fully think the problem of patriarchy through to its logical/likely end, whatever that end may be, just might be radical feminisms, and radical feminists, most striking, and most disappointing, flaw.  seriously, its fucking tragic.