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Moar Meta February 26, 2015

Posted by FCM in meta, politics, radical concepts, rape.
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i started writing a post a week or so ago and abandoned it.  i dont usually do that but i couldnt seem to nail down a point; i wanted to tell everyone that i heard guy mcpherson (NTE guru) giggling about porn and sharing a riotous laugh with a fellow doodbro about dog-rape.  meaning, men raping dogs, and/or men forcing women to abuse dogs for male enjoyment.  this was in the intro to an interview where said doodbros were engaging in a little male bonding in the beginning as doodbros are wont to do.

while i believe that is noteworthy as an example of males being males (and demonstrating exactly the male values and male behaviors that got us here in the first place — facing the near term extinction of the human race according to mcpherson himself, although he and his frame the reason as because “civilization” and because “humanity”) it was hardly worthy of its own post.  so i was going to further expound on the NTE belief system because i have not addressed a pretty important point that they themselves include when discussing the reality of whats likely to come, because of men and what men do and what men are, and thats war.  NTE activists/cult members (or whatever, they arent really activating for anything except for the bastard hybrid NTE/anti civs, but thats kind of another post) believe that the end is nigh via loss of human habitat > caused by catastrophic global climate change > due to overpopulation and resource extraction; or global nuclear meltdown caused by same, which will occur when the grid fails; or war, which would be apocalyptic and probably nuclear.

i pointed out that i/we have indeed seen a lot lately that is indicative of impending global war, and/or numerous smaller wars happening at the same time, and it is terrifying.  specifically regarding war, and the likelihood that it will be a war that takes us all out, keeping in mind that humans have never lived through any previous time like our current time, where there is a global overabundance of males, and knowing what men do and what men are, and that maleness itself (and therefore male values) is/are a self-reinforcing feedback loop that only picks up strength and speed over time toward whatever end…makes me go kind of quiet inside.  yannow the kind of quiet i mean?  just, ugh *exhale* and silent nonverbal contemplation and (something approaching) understanding.

men continuing to be men, in other words, although any of them will be god damned to actually say that — its humanity and civilization that did it, you see.  some NTE activists (or whatever) even quote past males who have very un-progressively, but nonetheless totes profoundly, commented on “man’s” obvious failings and the shitty world “man” has created and these very modern males very helpfully (and comically) remind everyone that women are included in the word/concept “man” donchaknow.  because equality!  ah male radicals, they are good liberals to the bitter end.

anyway, repetitively pointing out the failings of male NTE activists and tying it in to the atrocity of global maleness is good meta and all, and i put it all into a post but got bored and couldnt finish.  i was thinking about some comments that were made earlier on this blog where women said that they thought that the material gains women achieved through reformism over the years was beneficial to them/us and that they thought (for example) that we are better off than our grandmothers because we can earn money and move away from our rapist uncles and whatnot.  modern women dont have to be raped by our dads every night…except those of us who do/are.  okay, i get the point, and its not a small thing that some women are allowed some modicum of privacy from males now, where were previously werent.  it is indeed noteworthy, and pokes at the root of womens oppression by men that some women are able to escape the violent and sexual/reproductive attentions of some men, some of the time, instead of all of us being subjected to mens violent and sexual/reproductive attentions always.  of course this is a good thing, how could it not be?

and yet, whatever gains we thought we were securing for ourselves, and whatever successes we might have had over the years (and decades and centuries by now), seemingly behind our backs, men continued to destroy the world.  didnt they?  understanding and accepting the likelihood of NTE due to self reinforcing feedback loops of male-caused global overpopulation and over male population really offers a big-picture perspective on all of this, because it makes it very obvious that we were treating the symptom while the disease raged on.  or something?  what other analogy is there where we attempted to relieve our female pain and mitigate our female harm at the hands of men, but where in the end it is revealed that they were on a slow or unobvious burn the whole time (or something) and never actually stopped?  men never stopped being men.  and now, nearing 100 years after white american women were granted the right to vote, we are literally facing a burnt, raped-and-almost-fully-pillaged earth now.  the entire global human race may not survive what men have done.  get it?  by the by, thousands of animal species have already succumbed/become extinct due to human-male-caused loss of habitat, so its not like there is no precedent for male-caused extinction.

i mean really.  could it be any more obvious at this point that women and feminists got nowhere near the root of the problem, if we made “gains” and yet males successfully destroyed the entire earth anyway, apparently “just” doing what they wanted to do, and doing what males do best?  namely, men’s aptitude and fondness for resource extraction (parasitism) and destruction (necrophilia).  sure, raping and otherwise fucking women (and femicide including female infanticide) is what ultimately did it, if we accept that global overpopulation and over male population caused this mess.  but it seems to me that we missed something kind of important, if we didnt see this coming (and thats IF — i actually believe women have seen this coming for centuries, both here and in other places).  and that we are currently missing something important if we dont see it now.  it doesnt have to be that way of course.  the fact that some women see it is at least evidence that there are conditions under which women can and do open their fucking eyes.

i am still considering what it means — and what it doesnt — that some modern women get to have their “own apartments” and whatnot, and our “gains” made in general, in the face of likely near term human extinction caused by global male destructiveness which has raged on regardless, mostly (fully?) unabated, both behind our backs and right in front of our eyes.