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Dear White Male Activists. Collect Your Pigs. Jesus. July 22, 2015

Posted by FCM in feminisms, liberal dickwads, meta, race.
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white male activists of every stripe, but especially the enviros and liberal progressives like DGR males (no matter what you call yourselves, and no, you arent radical) could do something about this if they wanted to.  but they arent, even though they arent generally opposed to doing both underground and above board “actions” designed to bring XYZ to its knees.

it apparently doesnt occur to these white male pig activists to “start” by neutralizing their own personal brute squad, but it wouldnt, would it?

you are disgusting fucking cowards who get off on images of black women being brutalized by other white males, and you and only you benefit when a black woman is killed for calling a white male pig a coward and a pussy.

you dont actually want it to stop.  but you know that already.  and so do i.